New Business Starter Package

New Business Starter Package

New Business Starter Package
10-49 Employees in Single Location

New Business Starter Package is for you if....

  • You are in a single location operating your business. 
  • You started your business, now what? 
  • You are thinking of starting your business, but you have no idea where to start or what to do. 
  • You have to hire employees for the first time, what do you need to do?

Does any of the above sound like you? 

If so, this New Business Starter Package is for you! Select the type that fits your business needs.

Packages include, but are not limited to:

  • New business compliance Audit Review
  • Federal EIN and registration via state and local agencies.
  • Organizational design and needs assessment.
  • Talent Recruitment for up to 5 positions with onboarding for filled roles.
  • Employment Offer & Separation Letter templates
  • Compliance maintenance checklist.
  • Next steps recommendations
  • After service care for support once service package is delivered*

*Amount of service care hours is finalized on service of work order.

This payment will go towards your finalized total costs of your package.

Your finalized cost will depend on your unique business details and discussed and outlined in your statement of work agreement. All payments are non-refundable.

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Please be sure to include your full name, email address, phone number, and a brief description of the nature of your inquiry to ensure we are able to best meet your needs.

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